Swimming pools are a big deal in Australia: a haven for relaxation, a space for gatherings, and a place for swimming

Swimming Pools And Sand Filters In Australia

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Swimming pools are a phenomenal way to stay cool during the summer—and they’re also great for your health and fitness. If you’re looking for the best way to relax after a long day at work or school, a swim in your local pool is a great way to get away from it all. Discover the most spectacular swimming pools around Australia to drool over and inspire you to plan a holiday.

Swimming is a pastime

Swimming is a very appealing pastime in the hot weather. Perhaps it’s because nearly 12% of Australian homes have pools in the backyard. Perhaps it’s the practice we get when we’re chased by a shark in the sea. Or it could simply be a result of having 7000 beaches spread across 26,735 kilometers of coastline.

Swimming pool memories

A swimming pool offers a lifetime of memories filled with poolside birthday parties, family gatherings, and special occasions. Swimming pools have a way of bringing people together, and as a result, they provide quality time with loved ones as well as many fond memories.

Swimming pools are a big deal in Australia: a haven for relaxation, a space for gatherings, and a place for swimming
Swimming pools are a big deal in Australia: a haven for relaxation, a space for gatherings, and a place for swimming

Swimming pools and types

Swimming pools are one of the most popular recreational activities in Australia, with more than 33 million people taking a dip every year. While there are many different types of swimming pools available, two types stand out above all others: fiberglass and vinyl. Fiberglass is a popular choice because it’s durable, easy to maintain, and doesn’t require any special chemicals or additives—it’s just an open-air structure that can be filled with water (or not). However, fiberglass pools tend to be expensive because they need to be replaced after only ten years or so. Vinyl pools are cheaper options (you can find them at your local hardware store), but they don’t last as long either; they’ll start leaking after about five years and will have to be replaced within ten years or so.

What Is a filter and what does it do?

But when it comes to maintaining a clean pool, it can be tough to know what’s best for you because choosing just the right filter system can be tricky. If you’re looking for the best swimming pool sand filter, you’re in the right place. We’ll explain what to look for and why.

To help you choose the best filter for your pool, let us first explain what the filter does. The filter and pump are the pool circulation and filtration system’s heart and lungs. The filter’s primary function is to keep your pool clean by removing undissolved debris from the pool water.

Three Types Of Filters

It turns out that there are three types of pool filters: cartridge filters, sand filters, and D.E. filters. We’re going to break down each type and explain why we recommend certain products over others.

 Now if you’re really hardcore about your pool clarity and don’t mind the added expenses and the extra effort required to maintain D.E. filters, then this is the choice for you. But for folks who just want to enjoy a clean pool, then sand filters and cartridge filter systems are more than enough.

 For the casual pool owner (or future pool owner) we highly recommend the Water TechniX Sand Filter Aspire as our top pick in this category due to its size/price ratio and its ability to handle both fresh and saltwater systems without any problems at all!

As with the corner store or local pub, the public pool is a place where families, retirees, young couples, and teens of all backgrounds and circumstances can meet and play
As with the corner store or local pub, the public pool is a place where families, retirees, young couples, and teens of all backgrounds and circumstances can meet and play

Cartridge Filters

These are the most basic type of filters available on the market today. They consist of an inner chamber that is filled with sand and material that traps debris and grease particles. The water then flows through this chamber into an outer compartment where it’s filtered again by another layer of sand or other materials before returning to your pool’s surface for cleaning purposes. The downside to using this type of filter is that it doesn’t catch everything—including some harmful chemicals such as chlorine and bromine—so they aren’t recommended for use with pools where these chemicals are present in high quantities.

Sand Filter

Most Sand Filters provide cutting-edge pool technology with the smooth, efficient flow and completely balanced back-washing. These sand filters are made of corrosion-resistant polymeric material and have self-cleaning 360-degree slotted laterals. A six-position control valve is versatile and offers maximum efficiency. For use with all types and sizes of in-ground pools, in-ground spas, and water features such as ponds or fountains.

DE Filter

Good DE filters enhance the superior filtration performance of DE filters by providing extra-long filtration cycles and maximum efficiency. This filter, which is available with slide valves and multiport valves, is designed for ease of service and maximum filtration performance.

High performing filter

A truly high-quality Sand Filter is an excellent high-performance sand filter. It’s incredibly simple to use and maintain, and it’s designed for long-term dependability. Furthermore, its highly efficient design ensures that your pool has clean, crystal-clear water year after year. 

Here’s how it’s done

The sand-filled pressure vessel transports pool water. The sand traps particles that are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. Dirt accumulates in the spaces between the sand particles over time, raising the pressure in the vessel. This indicates that the filter should be “backwashed.” Simply reverse the flow of water to “knock out the dirt.”

Pool filter operation does not get any simpler. The multi-port valve puts all filter functions right at your fingertips – simply rotate the handle to the desired position, and the Leisuretime filter takes care of the rest for safe and easy operation.

Features of a high-performing filter

A good Sand Filter provides exceptional strength, chemical resistance, and long-term UV resistance. To facilitate installation, the clamp is made of stainless steel and allows for 360-degree rotation of the multi-port valve. The top diffuser distributes water evenly across the top of the sand bed. 6-function top mount For maximum filtration efficiency, this 1-1/2′′ multi-port valve includes a pressure gauge, sight glass, and manual air relief. Large storage capacity There are 25′′ and 28′′ models available with a 2′′ valve. Internal design ensures that water is exposed to as much sand as possible.

The swimming pool is the holy grail of refreshment on a hot day, a place to gather, chat, and - for many - learn to swim
The swimming pool is the holy grail of refreshment on a hot day, a place to gather, chat, and – for many – learn to swim

Pool installation regulations

Pool installation on your property is subject to strict rules and regulations by the Australian Government in order to prevent tragic drowning incidents. In NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, and the ACT, the current Australian Standard AS1926-2012 is the standard. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) calls up the standard in these jurisdictions, and local variations are often implemented under local legislation.

Swimming pools are the hearts of Australian communities

From the Pilbara to Launceston, here are the country’s most outstanding swimming pools: a haven for relaxation, a space for gatherings, and a place for swimming

As with the corner store or local pub, the public pool is a place where families, retirees, young couples, and teens of all backgrounds and circumstances can meet and play. No matter where it is – whether it’s the middle of the Pilbara or on the edge of the Murray River – the swimming pool is the holy grail of refreshment on a hot day, a place to gather, chat, and – for many – learn to swim. In the sun, cement slabs burn feet. Your hair lingers with the rich smell of chlorine.


 Swimming pools are a big deal in Australia. Our communal playgrounds elicit strong nostalgia and childhood memories, and they are frequently regarded as ceremonial event, existing in all historically known societies that marks the passage from one social status to another.

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